Apr 4Liked by Katherine Angel

a wonderful piece of writing, so clever and utterly true and it chimed with me in so many ways some of them too personal to go into but reading your words made me start thinking hard (a very helpful way to start my day) and keep on thinking ...! and i'm so sorry about your beautiful friend

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Thank you Julie! That's very kind. I hope the day unfolds with some hard but enjoyable thinking!

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Thank you for this beautiful piece. Oh this a hundred times over (including the hip flexor pain!) ‘But it’s often in these moments, the moments that don’t really feel like proper writing, that something good comes. It’s when it’s off-the-cuff, not too self-conscious, when I’m off-guard, when my super-ego has taken its eye off the ball. It’s rarely when I’m acting how my super-ego tells me a writer should – sitting up straight at a desk or in a library, concentrating, being methodical. It’s usually when I’m sitting cross-legged on the sofa, at night, listening to music, like I am now, no doubt storing up hip flexor pain for the next day.’

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Thanks Tiffany! Argh, hip flexors!

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Apr 4Liked by Katherine Angel

Thank you. I love everything about this piece. You give me recognition and hope. I am going to share this with so many people.

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Thank you!

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